Do you want to buy books at a lower price than you already do? Maybe you are short of money, or perhaps you are just a miser like me who doesn’t want to spend too much money but still wanna read many books and own many books then this article is for you.
Guys, I’m the owner of this Website, and I make book-related articles on this Website. If you like books, make sure you read this article, and tell us your opinion in the comment section.
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So this is a highly requested article, and I feel like a star when I say that, but a lot of you keep asking me about how to buy cheap books and today I am going to tell you about all the ideas that I could come up with so one thing a lot of people will suggest me.
Many different websites and everything, but if you ask me, I always buy my books from amazon, so many tips would be related to the amazon hacks, and others may also help you out. Let’s get started. number one

Amazon bestseller list
So if you do not know, amazon has this new bestseller list every month where there are a set of books available at half price, so if a book is 200 rupees.
You’ll get it for hundred rupees if it makes it to the bestseller list, and you should keep checking out this list every single month.
So that you can, you know, pick up some other good books. I have bought so many of my favorites from that list, and I have saved 50% of my money. Isn’t that significant number two shop during festive sales now.
Shop during festive sales
It’s like a very typical online shopping tip that will apply to everything you buy, which is to buy during festive sales because at that time.
You get a lot of discounts. In December, I just read in economic times that there’s going to be a GST sale in India because, you know, because of the GST and all that will not get into that jargon, but there will be a big sale even.
All that festive sales like Diwali sale, end of reasonable which mantra does if you’re into clothes.
Christmas sale black Friday sales. All those sales are for you guys to get books at a lower price, make use of them, save up your money, keep a load of cash with you and shop during the sales number 3 visit books by kilo markets.
Visit books by kilo markets.
Now there’s Paharganj, and please, my cute and loyal VIsitors will tell you about the places where you can get books by the kilo in their homes like not just in Paharganj Delhi in Mumbai Pune Kolkata there is these book by kilo sales.
You can buy one kilo of books in about 100 rupees or 150, and that is so awesome like I have got like 15 books in like 2-300 rupees like I have done that, so that is like the cheapest manner to buy books but.
Some of the books are of excellent quality, and some of these books are old.
It depends on whether you want to read that copy or not. Number 4, buy a kindle now.
Buy a Kindle
This would be like a one-time investment, but after that, you have many options your number one you can buy a kindle unlimited.
What is kindle unlimited now?
This is like a subscription service given by amazon where you will get a list of a lot of books available to you for about 200 rupees per month now there are a lot of people.
Who says it’s useless, and there are many people who love it now? The thing is, you know, not all big publishers are over there. Westland is there, so all the Amish Tripathi books and all the authors with Westland.
You can find them there. Vineet Bajpai is there. All the books are there, and there is much nonfiction over there, so I feel like it was a good deal. I kept it for one month.
I read a couple of books which I wanted to read. I read two-three books; I mean that was in 200 rupees.
It was like getting books for cheap so took them number 5 is an obvious way to buy old books.
Buy old books?
Now there’s a website called book chor, and there are a lot of websites nowadays.
I have tried because I just don’t wanna buy old books right now, but those websites help because you pay half the price and get books for cheap.
You can check out those websites and buy those books. Yes, guys, those are my five ways of how to buy cheap books. It is possible that these are not like the most remarkable ways ever discovered because these are my ways; moreover, just buy from amazon.
I see the discounts on amazon. Whenever I get more than a 50% discount, I buy the book, so it’s just me. I hope it helps you out, but if it doesn’t.
You can leave the hate comments I already get a lot, okay, but if you like the article, I really care about your comments, so comment down below.
I am so mean and selfish, but sometimes you want just to make yourself feel good. Be away from all that negativity. That’s what I’m trying to do this month.
Otherwise, I’d not be able to meet my goal of posting one article a day in the whole month, right? It’s my birthday month, the way, did you know, did you know anyway.
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