O level M3 – R5 Python previous practical question paper

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Here we are going to give you all the important questions and solutions of previous year’s practical question paper of O level module code M3 – R5 which is related Problem solving through Python.

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Download O level M3 R5 Practical Previous Year Python paper

O level M3 R5 practical question paper with answer in PDF

If you want to read O level previous year question paper of Nielit with solution, then read this article completely. In this you will get all O Level Module Code M3 R5 Previous Year Questions and Solutions.

Question 1 :

Write a program to print all Armstrong numbers in a given range. Note: An Armstrong number is a number whose sum of cubes of digits is equal to the number itself. E.g. 370=33+73+03

Solution of Question 1 :

def is_armstrong(num):
    Function to check if a number is an Armstrong number or not.
    n = len(str(num))
    temp = num
    sum = 0
    while temp > 0:
        digit = temp % 10
        sum += digit ** n
        temp //= 10
    return sum == num

def print_armstrong_numbers(lower, upper):
    Function to print all Armstrong numbers in a given range.
    for num in range(lower, upper + 1):
        if is_armstrong(num):

# Driver code
lower = int(input("Enter the lower range: "))
upper = int(input("Enter the upper range: "))
print_armstrong_numbers(lower, upper)

Explanation :

This program takes in a lower and upper range and prints all the Armstrong numbers in that range. The is_armstrong function checks if a given number is an Armstrong number or not by computing the sum of cubes of its digits. The print_armstrong_numbers function uses the is_armstrong function to print all the Armstrong numbers in the given range.

Question 2 :

Write a function to obtain sum n terms of the following series for any positive integer value of X: X +X3 /3! +X5 /5! ! +X7 /7! + …

Solution of Question 2 :

def series_sum(x, n):
    Function to obtain the sum of n terms of the series for a given positive integer x.
    result = 0
    for i in range(n):
        result += x**(2*i + 1) / factorial(2*i + 1)
    return result

def factorial(n):
    Function to calculate the factorial of a given number.
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n-1)

# Driver code
x = int(input("Enter the value of x: "))
n = int(input("Enter the number of terms: "))
print("Sum of", n, "terms:", series_sum(x, n))

Explanation :

This program takes in x and n as input and calculates the sum of n terms of the series using the series_sum function. The factorial function is used to calculate the factorial of a number, which is used in the computation of the series.

Question 3 :

Write a function to obtain sum n terms of the following series for any positive integer value of X 1+x/1!+x2/2!+x3/3!+…

Solution of Question 3 :

def series_sum(x, n):
    Function to obtain the sum of n terms of the series for a given positive integer x.
    result = 0
    for i in range(n):
        result += x**i / factorial(i)
    return result

def factorial(n):
    Function to calculate the factorial of a given number.
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n-1)

# Driver code
x = int(input("Enter the value of x: "))
n = int(input("Enter the number of terms: "))
print("Sum of", n, "terms:", series_sum(x, n))

Explanation :

This program takes in x and n as input and calculates the sum of n terms of the series using the series_sum function. The factorial function is used to calculate the factorial of a number, which is used in the computation of the series.

Question 4 :

Write a program to multiply two numbers by repeated addition e.g. 6*7 = 6+6+6+6+6+6+6

Solution of Question 4 :

def multiply(a, b):
    Function to multiply two numbers using repeated addition.
    result = 0
    for i in range(b):
        result += a
    return result

# Driver code
a = int(input("Enter the first number: "))
b = int(input("Enter the second number: "))
print("Product:", multiply(a, b))

Explanation :

This program takes in two numbers a and b as input and calculates their product using the multiply function. The multiply function uses a loop to add a to itself b times, which is equivalent to multiplying a by b.

Question 5 :

Write a program to compute the wages of a daily laborer as per the following rules :-
Hours Worked Rate Applicable Upto first 8 hrs Rs100/-
a) For next 4 hrs Rs30/- per hr extra
b) For next 4 hrs Rs40/- per hr extra
c) For next 4 hrs Rs50/- per hr extra
d) For rest Rs60/- per hr extra

Solution of Question 5 :

def calculate_wages(hours_worked):
    wage = 0
    if hours_worked <= 8:
        wage = hours_worked * 100
    elif hours_worked <= 12:
        wage = 800 + (hours_worked - 8) * 30
    elif hours_worked <= 16:
        wage = 800 + 4 * 30 + (hours_worked - 12) * 40
    elif hours_worked <= 20:
        wage = 800 + 4 * 30 + 4 * 40 + (hours_worked - 16) * 50
        wage = 800 + 4 * 30 + 4 * 40 + 4 * 50 + (hours_worked - 20) * 60
    return wage

hours_worked = float(input("Enter number of hours worked: "))
wage = calculate_wages(hours_worked)
print("Wage: Rs.", wage)

Explanation :

This program takes the number of hours worked as input and returns the calculated wage as output.

Question 6 :

Accept the name of the labourer and no. of hours worked. Calculate and display the wages. The program should run for N number of labourers as specified by the user.

Solution of Question 6 :

def calculate_wage(name, hours_worked):
  wage_per_hour = 100
  return name + " earned RS " + str(hours_worked * wage_per_hour)

def main():
  num_labourers = int(input("Enter number of labourers: "))
  for i in range(num_labourers):
    name = input("Enter name of labourer: ")
    hours_worked = int(input("Enter number of hours worked: "))
    print(calculate_wage(name, hours_worked))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Explanation :

This code uses two functions: calculate_wage and main. The calculate_wage function takes the name of the labourer and the number of hours worked as inputs and returns a string indicating the wages earned. The main function asks the user to input the number of labourers and then runs a loop that asks for the name of each labourer and the number of hours worked. It calls the calculate_wage function for each labourer and prints the result.

Question 7 :

Write a program that takes in a sentence as input and displays the number of words, number of capital letters, no. of small letters and number of special symbols.

Solution of Question 7 :

def count_characters(sentence):
    words = sentence.split()
    num_words = len(words)
    num_cap_letters = 0
    num_small_letters = 0
    num_special_symbols = 0
    for char in sentence:
        if char.isalpha() and char.isupper():
            num_cap_letters += 1
        elif char.isalpha() and char.islower():
            num_small_letters += 1
        elif not char.isalnum():
            num_special_symbols += 1
    print("Number of words:", num_words)
    print("Number of capital letters:", num_cap_letters)
    print("Number of small letters:", num_small_letters)
    print("Number of special symbols:", num_special_symbols)

sentence = input("Enter a sentence: ")

Question 8:

Write a program to input two numbers as input and compute the greatest common divisor

Solution of Question 8:

def gcd(a, b):
    while b:
        a, b = b, a % b
    return a

x = int(input("Enter first number: "))
y = int(input("Enter second number: "))

print("The GCD of", x, "and", y, "is", gcd(x, y))

Explanation :

The function gcd takes two numbers a and b as input and uses an iterative implementation of the Euclidean algorithm to compute their GCD. The algorithm repeatedly modifies the values of a and b until b is equal to 0, at which point a will contain the GCD. The rest of the program prompts the user to input two numbers, passes those numbers to the gcd function, and prints the result.

Question 9 :

Apply recursive call to do the following:
a) Product of two numbers using repetitive addition
b) Print Fibonacci series upto term n

Solution of Question 9:

def product_of_two_numbers(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        return 0
    return a + product_of_two_numbers(a, b - 1)

def fibonacci(n):
    if n <= 0:
        return 0
    elif n == 1:
        return 1
        return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

def print_fibonacci_series(n):
    for i in range(n):
        print(fibonacci(i), end=', ')

a = int(input("Enter first number: "))
b = int(input("Enter second number: "))

print("The product of", a, "and", b, "is", product_of_two_numbers(a, b))

n = int(input("Enter the number of terms in the Fibonacci series: "))
print("The first", n, "terms of the Fibonacci series are:")

Explanation :

The first function, product_of_two_numbers, implements repetitive addition to find the product of two numbers. The second function, fibonacci, is a recursive implementation of the Fibonacci sequence. The third function, print_fibonacci_series, uses a for loop to call the fibonacci function n times and print each result, separated by a comma. Finally, the program prompts the user to input two numbers and the number of terms in the Fibonacci series, calls the respective functions, and prints the results.

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