Are you still confused on a how to buy books where to buy books how to get the best stuff like that if yes if you are from India then keep reading this article?
I am Manpreet, and I make book-related articles on this website. In today’s article, I will present you my guide to buying books from Amazon, so I have been buying books from amazon ever since I started I use to use Flipkart.
But some of you ask me to try amazon, and I never bought anything from Flipkart ever again I always buy from amazon.
in today’s article I say in telling you how I buy books from Amazon but before I start let me tell you that I make articles on this website quite frequently and if you are looking forward to reading book-related articles book recommendations, reviews that make sure you bookmark to my website and follow me on my social media right now number 1 thing the book section now a lot of people like Manpreet
How to you select books?
you want a buy see one thing is that I already I was massive TBR I can recall like this is some book which I am can be interested in and when that book comes in front of me and me when.
I have that money and when it feels right at buying that book that is my general way of purchasing the book but I also let me try some new book so because I do not always want to be reading from my TBR pile
I won’t add new books from my TBR pile so what I do is go to the Amazon book section and then look for new releases this or they always have this list pose 100 books to read in a lifetime, and that is like one list I never go to, but they separate the monthly bestsellers
I different genre and then they put it out there so that you can see what the best seller are in the market.,
Select books from the bestseller
sometimes I pick my books from that bestseller, or I add that bestseller to my TBR and from is myself that I’ll buy them and read them someday,
That is how I pick my books from amazon second thing I never buy my books on MRP I barely buy my books on MRP I always wait for the sales.
sometimes sales Diwali sales going on or any sales I wait for the sale, and when the prices are down I make sure I pick those books and also sometimes the books on discount, but there is a big sale going on so what I doing so I look on amazon I browse to amazon
Once a day or sometime once a week nowadays because I am swamped, but I look it those books, and I see if some of those around discount their recommendation system excellent.
guys being a marketer by profession I know that they have one of best recommendation system out there.

so if you are already picking up the books that you like and you are buying them, or you are browsing through them it’s very lightly that when those books are on the discount, you will see the best one first so always check on their homepage if you see favourite book recommended on a considerable value buy because that would I do number 3
Try to buys books from amazon verified or fulfilled by amazon.
I try to my best to buy my books from amazon verified or fulfilled by amazon. It’s now necessary I mean I have purchased and even recommended books that were not available with FPA fulfilled by amazon.
If you are like sceptical that you would not get to good books, get it from FPA the shipping is fast the quality is better.
It’s just more trust to worthy than getting a text from any random seller from amazon number 4 always checking the edition you are buying because prices are different.
if you want to buy e-book obvious you look for the kindle edition, but if you’re going to buy a paperback then there are different edition had cover beans bag-mask market paperbacks if you don’t know about mask market paperback they are usually of the worst quality out of the law okay
basically what mask market means is that its a cheaper version of the books, so it depends on a new budget, it depends on your preference some people love to buy hardbacks, and they were only by those hardcovers I love to read hardcovers, but they are too expensive for me
so I do not buy hardcovers, and I buy paperbacks, but in infrequent conditions, I would buy mask market paperbacks I have bought mask market paperbacks I have gifted them because there were the series pre-series by johns outward have talked about it on my articles before now this series
I wanted to gift my friend pre-series book one, and that was not available any other edition exact for mask market paperback.
So I gave that one, but that is the one I know to keep for like I need the book in the paperback adjacent, and I have to buy it now then I accept the mask market paperback.
I believe that it should be, but it’s your choice you can prefer it your wish number 5 reviews I really can talk at length about thoughts and what I would want to say that do not trust the reviews because most of them are fake.
Be Safe From Onlline Fake book review
I mean especially for the book the authors have found unique ways to get fake review then buy fake I do not mean that they say you know give us five stars even with book reviewers.
Many of them feel a pressure that I have been given the book, so I should give this book three stars even if it deserves like 1 star like a book tuber.
I do not have hard feelings towards the people who do that towards the book reviewers who do such a thing.
Still, as a reader, you should never let yourself fall free to such people because it’s terrible for you books take a lot of time the take a lot of your mind the take a lot of your money.
if you pick up a bad book because somebody reviews that would be unfortunate for you, trust the reviews never…
especially for books like on amazon if you trust reviews some other things I would agree with that but being in an industry in bookish industry and knowing what people do the tactics people have used and all that and how genuine they seem when you look at it
but when you see it from the behind from the backstage, then you know how its what it is okay but there is one thing which you do need to check in the reviews look for the pictures in the reviews some tie the images show you the font, and I always look for the pictures of the game of thrones edition available because I want this specific edition to read
which I cannot find so far but yes you need to look at those of pictures and see how the book looks like, and that will help you figure out you want the book or not because I have made the mistake I bought this novel Frankenstein and if I hadn’t paid in a hurry and had a look that the pictures I would know that …that was one pick back copy I would never read I could have got some other edition.
That’s your lesson right there always look for the pictures of the book you are gone a buy lastly I have never done this before I have never gotten a damaged book, okay and I am not like that okay my one pep.
one-page doc here want to return okay I can quit adjusting with whatever happens then I hope now that I have said that I do not have changes myself
Always check the return policy
if you do need to return the book always check the return policy and see if you can return it and then return it if you do not like that is that and that’s how I bought my book from amazon some of you ask me this question multiple times couple of months ago I lost this script of the article, and I forgot I was supposed to make the article
but now I am making it and I hope helps you out in some if you have any questions that would remain unanswered then ask me the in comments down below may I’ll make an article about it on
maybe I’ll answer them right away so let me know in the comments down below if you have any questions and also what is your feedback for this article because that matters to me
That’s an end of this article guys thank you so much for reading this Manpreet signing off I’ll be back with another piece very soon.
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